Monday, December 22, 2014

Dutch Oven/Casserole Dish Potatoes

8 pounds peeled and thinly sliced potatoes
10 slices crispy fried turkey bacon, broken into small pieces
1 large onion chopped or sliced
1/4 Cup unsalted butter -- not margarine
pepper to taste
16 ounces Fat Free sour cream
2 Cups or more skim cheese shredded

Spray 10 x 14 glass casserole dish with cooking spray and put crispy bacon, butter, and sliced onions in the oven uncovered at 450 till onions are soft and see through.  Stir them a few times.  Add potatoes and stir until all is well mixed.  Cook 20 minutes covered at 450, stir, repeat 2 more times, stirring each time. Take out of oven add heated sour cream by spreading it all over the potatoes.  Sprinkle with cheese.  Cook uncovered an additional 10 to 20 minutes, until cheese is bubbly.  Let set 5 minutes before eating.   

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Zopf Brot

Zopf  Recipe

In a large bowl, dissolve yeast and honey in warm milk. Let stand until creamy, about 10 minutes. Add the egg yolk, butter and 2 cups of bread flour; stir well to combine. Stir in the remaining flour, 1/2 cup at a time, beating well after each addition. When the dough has pulled together, turn it out onto a lightly floured surface and knead until smooth and elastic, about 8 minutes by hand or 5 minutes by electric stand mixer.
Divide the dough into 3 equal pieces and roll each piece into a 14 inch long cylinder. Braid the pieces together and place on a lightly greased baking sheet. Cover with a damp cloth and let rise until doubled in size, about 1 hour. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C).
In a small bowl, beat together egg white and water. Brush risen loaf with egg wash and bake in preheated oven for 20 to 25, until golden.

1 Tablespoon SAF yeast
1 1/3 Cups warm fat free milk
1 egg yolk
2 Tablespoon softened unsalted butter
3 1/2 Cups Bread Flour
1 egg white
1 Tablespoon water
1 Tablespoon honey

Monday, December 8, 2014

Christ In Christmas

Our tree this year.  I wanted a Christ Centered Christmas.  So I made a little manger and put right in front of the tree.  On the walls are lots of pictures of Christ's life.  My children love it!

Friday, December 5, 2014


Ménière’s Disease


In 1861 the French physician Prosper Ménière theorized that attacks of vertigo, ringing in the ear (tinnitus) and hearing loss came from the inner ear rather than from the brain, as was generally believed at the time. Once this idea was accepted, the name of Dr. Prosper Ménière began its long association with this inner ear disease and with inner ear balance disorders in general.


Ménière’s disease is a chronic, incurable vestibular (inner ear) disorder defined in 1995 by the Committee on Hearing and Equilibrium of the American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery as “the idiopathic syndrome of endolymphatic hydrops.”1 In plain language, this means that Ménière’s disease, a form of endolymphatic hydrops, produces a recurring set of symptoms as a result of abnormally large amounts of a fluid called endolymph collecting in the inner ear.
Ménière’s disease can develop at any age, but it is more likely to happen to adults between 40 and 60 years of age. The exact number of people with Ménière’s disease is difficult to measure accurately because no official reporting system exists. Numbers used by researchers differ from one report to the next and from one country to the next. The National Institutes of Health estimates that about 615,000 people in the U.S. have Ménière’s disease and that 45,500 new cases re-diagnosed each year.2


The exact cause and reason why Ménière’s disease starts is not yet known. Many theories have been proposed over the years. They include: circulation problems, viral infection, allergies, an autoimmune reaction, migraine, and the possibility of a genetic connection.
Experts aren’t sure what generates the symptoms of an acute attack of Ménière’s disease. The leading theory is that they result from increased pressure of an abnormally large amount of endolymph in the inner ear and/or from the presence of potassium in an area of the inner ear where it doesn’t belong. These conditions may be due to breaks in the membrane separating endolymph from the other inner ear fluid, perilymph. Some people with Ménière’s disease find that certain events and situations, sometimes called triggers, can set off attacks. These triggers include stress, overwork, fatigue, emotional distress, additional illnesses, pressure changes, certain foods, and too much salt in the diet.


Common symptoms of a Ménière’s disease attack do not reflect the entire picture of the disorder, because symptoms vary before, during, between, and after attacks, and also during the late-stage of Ménière’s disease.
Ménière’s disease may start with fluctuating hearing loss, eventually progressing to attacks of vertigo and dizziness.
Oncoming attacks are often preceded by an “aura,” or the specific set of warning symptoms, listed below. Paying attention to these warning symptoms can allow a person to move to a safe or more comfortable situation before an attack.
  • balance disturbance
  • dizziness, lightheadedness
  • headache, increased ear pressure
  • hearing loss or tinnitus increase
  • sound sensitivity
  • vague feeling of uneasiness
During an attack of early-stage Ménière’s disease, symptoms include:
  • spontaneous, violent vertigo
  • fluctuating hearing loss
  • ear fullness (aural fullness) and/or tinnitus
In addition to the above main symptoms, attacks can also include:
  • anxiety, fear
  • diarrhea
  • blurry vision or eye jerking
  • nausea and vomiting
  • cold sweat, palpitations or rapid pulse
  • trembling
Following the attack, a period of extreme fatigue or exhaustion often occurs, prompting the need for hours of sleep.
The periods between attacks are symptom free for some people and symptomatic for others. Many symptoms have been reported after and between attacks:
  • anger, anxiety, fear, worry
  • appetite change
  • clumsiness
  • concentration difficulty, distractibility, tendency to grope for words
  • diarrhea
  • fatigue, malaise, sleepiness
  • headache, heavy head sensation
  • lightheadedness (faintness)
  • loss of self-confidence and self-reliance
  • nausea, queasiness, motion sickness
  • neck ache or stiff neck
  • palpitations or rapid pulse, cold sweat
  • sound distortion and sensitivity
  • unsteadiness (sudden falls, staggering or stumbling, difficulty turning or walking in poorly lit areas, tendency to look down or to grope for stable handholds)
  • vision difficulties (problems with blurring, bouncing, depth perception, glare intensification, focusing, watching movement; difficulty looking through lenses such as binoculars or cameras)
  • vomiting
Late-stage Ménière’s disease refers to a set of symptoms rather than a point in time. Hearing loss is more significant and is less likely to fluctuate. Tinnitus and/or aural fullness may be stronger and more constant. Attacks of vertigo may be replaced by more constant struggles with vision and balance, including difficulty walking in the dark and occasional sudden loss of balance. Sometimes, drop attacks of vestibular origin (Tumarkin’s otolithic crisis3) occur in this stage of Ménière’s disease and are characterized by sudden brief loss of posture without loss of consciousness. Some of these late-stage symptoms can become more problematic in conditions of low lighting, or with fatigue, or when a person is exposed to visually stimulating situations.


Attacks can last from 20 minutes to 24 hours. They can occur with the frequency of many attacks each week; or they can be separated by weeks, months, and even years. The unpredictable nature of this disease makes managing it challenging. It also complicates the ability of scientists and physicians to study it.


To “cure” a disease means to eliminate the root cause of the disease and reverse the damage it has inflicted (on the inner ear, in this case). No treatment currently exists to cure Ménière’s disease. However, medical treatments exist that can help manage it.


Existing treatments fall into two categories. Some treatments aim at reducing the severity of an attack while it is occurring; some treatments attempt to reduce the severity and number of attacks in the long term. Experts feel these medical treatments provide some degree of improvement in 60–80% of the treated people.Gentamicin is >80% effective at control of vertigo.
The most conservative long-term treatment for Ménière’s disease in the U.S. involves adhering to a reduced-sodium diet and using medication that helps control water retention (diuretics or “water pills”). The goal of this treatment is to reduce inner-ear fluid pressure. Some physicians, more commonly outside of the U.S., also weigh the potential efficacy of using betahistine HCl (Serc) as a vestibular suppressant for Ménière’s disease.5
Medications can be used during an attack to reduce the vertigo, nausea/vomiting or both. Some drugs used for this include diazepam (Valium), lorazepam (Ativan), promethazine (Phenergan), dimenhydrinate (Dramamine Original Formula), and meclizine hydrochloride (Antivert, Dramamine Less Drowsy Formula).
Vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) is sometimes used to help with the imbalance that can plague people between attacks. Its goal is to help retrain the ability of the body and brain to process balance information. When successful, this can help a person regain confidence in the ability to move about.
When conservative treatments don’t work: For the 20–40% of people who do not respond to medication or diet, a physician may recommend a treatment that involves more physical risk. One such method, a intratympanic gentamicin, destroys vestibular tissue with injections into the ear of the aminoglycoside antibiotic (gentamicin). Recently, intratympanic steroid injections have been used with less risk of hearing loss and peristent imbalance.
Another less conservative treatment method involves surgery. Two categories of surgery are available. The goal of the first type is to relieve the pressure on the inner ear. Surgery to reduce pressure is not as widely used now as it was in the past due to questions about its long-term effectiveness.
The goal of the second type of surgery is to block the movement of information from the affected ear to the brain. The process involves either destroying the inner ear so that the ear does not generate balance information to send to the brain, or destroying the vestibular nerve so that balance information is not transmitted to the brain. In either instance, physical therapy is useful to help the brain compensate from the loss of inner ear function due to surgery.


It is difficult to predict how Ménière’s disease will affect a person’s future. Symptoms can disappear one day and never return. Or they might become so severe that they are disabling.


Coping with Ménière’s disease is challenging because attacks are unpredictable, it is incurable, some of the symptoms are not obvious to others, and most people know virtually nothing about the disorder. Many people with Ménière’s disease are thrust into the role of educator—they must teach themselves, their family, friends, coworkers, and sometimes even health care professionals about the disorder and how it impacts them. Key features of communicating with family and friends include informing them about what might happen with the onset of an acute attack and how they can help. If a low-sodium diet is effective, family and friends should be informed about how important it is for them to support adherence to the diet regimen. Changes in lifelong eating patterns can be easier with the assistance of others.
Managing an acute attack involves preparation. This includes consulting with a physician about any appropriate drugs that can be taken when an acute attack occurs, and deciding ahead of time when it is appropriate to go to a hospital. During an attack, it is helpful to lie down in a safe place with a firm surface, and avoid any head movement. Sometimes keeping the eyes open and fixed on a stationary object about 18 inches away is helpful. In order to control dehydration, a doctor should be called if fluid intake is not possible over time due to persistent vomiting.
After an acute attack subsides, it is not uncommon to want to sleep for several hours. Resting in bed for a short time is appropriate, if the person is exhausted. But it is also important for the person to get up and move around as soon as possible so that the brain readjusts to the changed balance signals. Precautions need to be taken in this process to accommodate any new balance sensations.
Successfully coping with symptoms involves understanding the disease. Talking with health care providers, communicating with other people who are experiencing the same disease, and reading books and articles about the topic are all helpful methods of learning more about Ménière’s disease.
- See more at:

Monday, November 17, 2014

Cinnamon Bread

Cinnamon Bread

1 package yellow cake mix
3/4 C. Fat Free Vanilla Chobani Yogurt
3/4 Cup Fat Free Milk
4 Eggs
1 teaspoon Vanilla extract
1/2 C. Sugar
2 T. Cinnamon

  1. Pour cake mix into a large mixing bowl. Remove 3 Tbsp from the mix and discard.
  2. Add yogurt, water, eggs, and vanilla. Beat until completely smooth.
  3. Spray each loaf pan and fill half way with batter.
  4. In a separate bowl, mix the sugar and cinnamon together.
  5. Sprinkle ⅓ cup of the cinnamon sugar mixture on to the half filled loaf pans.
  6. Add remaining batter to each loaf pan. Be mindful that the mix will rise.
  7. Sprinkle the remaining cinnamon sugar mixture on top of each loaf.
  8. Using a butter knife, gently move the batter around creating cinnamon swirls.
  9. Bake at 350°F for 45 to 50 minutes.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Soft Lofthouse Style Frosted Cookies


For the Cookies:
6 cups unbleached flour, divided
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
2 cups granulated sugar
3 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups Fat Free sour cream

For the Frosting:
1 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 cups powdered sugar
6 tablespoons Fat Free Sweetened Condensed Milk
Several drops food coloring
Sprinkles, Candies, or piped on frosting. 


In a medium bowl, whisk 5 cups of flour, baking soda, and baking powder; set aside.
In the bowl of a stand mixer with the flat beater attached, cream the butter and granulated sugar at medium speed until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes. Scrape down the sides of the bowl with a rubber spatula as needed. Add the eggs, one at a time beating until each is incorporated. Add the vanilla and sour cream and beat at low speed until combined.
Add the dry ingredients and beat at low speed until just combined, about 30 seconds, scraping down the bowl as needed. Dough needs to obtain the right consistency for rolling, so add additional flour, 1/4 cup at a time, until this is achieved (up to 1 cup more flour). Divide dough into two sections. Flatten into rectangles about 1 1/2 inches thick, then wrap with plastic wrap. Chill in the refrigerator overnight.
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. Line 2 large baking sheets with parchment paper or spray them with nonstick cooking spray, set aside.
Generously flour a work area and rolling pin. With a rolling pin, roll the dough out to 1/4-inch thickness. Using a 2 1/2-inch round cookie cutter, cut out circles and transfer to a baking sheet. Bake for 7-8 minutes, until pale golden. Immediately transfer cookies to a wire rack to cool.

To make the frosting, in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream together the butter and vanilla. Slowly beat in the powdered sugar. Once smooth and creamy, add in sweetened condensed milk, 1 tablespoon at a time until the desired spreading consistency is achieved. If desired, add food coloring and beat until combined.
Once cookies have cooled completely, frost and add sprinkles. Allow frosting to set, then store in an air-tight container. Let cookies sit for several hours before serving to allow the flavors to develop.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Hot Cocoa Powder

4 Cups Non-Fat Powdered Milk
2 Boxes 21.8 oz. Chocolate Nesquik Powder
16 oz. Non-Fat Powdered Creamer
2 Cups Powdered Sugar
2 Large Boxes Instant Chocolate Pudding
2 Tablespoons Cocoa Powder
4 Tablespoons Brown Sugar
1 Teaspoon Corn Starch

Mix together.  3 to 5 Tablespoons per cup of hot Fat Free milk.

(for jar gifts add mini marshmallows, mini chocolate chips, and crushed candy cane or mints)

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Emergency Gallbladder Surgery: Do You Need It, Or Can You Afford To Wait?

Sharon Theimer, Mayo Clinic
Study: younger, older people likelier to visit ER repeatedly with gallstone pain before surgery
Gallstone pain is one of the most common reasons patients visit emergency rooms. Figuring out who needs emergency gallbladder removal and who can go home and schedule surgery at their convenience is sometimes a tricky question, and it isn’t always answered correctly. A new Mayo Clinic study found that 1 in 5 patients who went to the emergency room with gallbladder pain and were sent home to schedule surgery returned to the ER within 30 days needing emergency gallbladder removal. The surgical complication rate rises with the time lag before surgery, the researchers say.
“It makes a big difference if you get the right treatment at the right time,” says co-lead author Juliane Bingener-Casey, M.D., a gastroenterologic surgeon at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. The study is published in the Journal of Surgical Research.
Often it’s obvious who needs emergency gallbladder removal, a procedure known as cholecystectomy, who can delay it and who doesn’t need surgery at all. But sometimes patients fall into a gray area. Mayo researchers are working to develop a reliable tool to help determine the best course of action in those cases, and the newly published study is a first step, Dr. Bingener-Casey says.
How to handle gallstone patients is a cost and quality issue in health care. In the United States, 1 in 10 women and 1 in 15 men have gallstones, and more than 1 million people a year are hospitalized for gallstone disease. The fatty food common in U.S. diets is a contributing factor, Dr. Bingener-Casey says.
ER visits and emergency surgery are typically more expensive than scheduled surgeries. In addition to cost issues, patients often prefer the convenience of scheduling surgery, so they can arrange child care and leave from work, for example. But delaying a needed gallbladder removal more than six days increases the surgical complication rate and may make patients likelier to need open-abdomen surgery rather than a minimally invasive laparoscopic procedure, the researchers noted.
“Gallbladder disease is very frequent and it’s one of the most expensive diseases for the nation as a whole. If we can get that right the first time, I think we can make things better for a lot of people,” Dr. Bingener-Casey says.
Researchers studied the billing records of 3,138 patients at Mayo in Rochester between 2000 and 2013 who went to the emergency department for abdominal pain within 30 days before gallbladder surgery. Of those, 1,625 were admitted for emergency gallbladder surgery, and 1,513 were allowed to go home and schedule surgery at a later date. Of the patients who went home, 20 percent came back to the emergency room within a month needing a cholecystectomy urgently, and of those, 55 percent were back in the ER within a week for emergency surgery.
[ Watch: Emergency Gallstone Surgery: Do You Need It, Or Can You Afford To Wait? ]
Among those discharged from the ER, younger patients who were otherwise healthy and older patients who did have other health problems were likelier than people in their 40s and 50s to return to the emergency room within a month and need gallbladder removal urgently, the study found. That suggests that younger patients, older patients and those with other serious medical conditions may benefit from a second look before they are discharged from the emergency room, the researchers say.
Researchers analyzed test results typically considered indicators of gallbladder disease including white blood cell count, temperature and heart rate and saw no difference between those who left the ER and didn’t make a repeat visit and those who left the emergency room only to come back within a month. Such metrics may be incorporated into a decision tool if they hold up during future research.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Cinnamon Roll Icing

1 stick (1/2 Cup) unsalted, melted butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups powdered sugar
3 tablespoons whole milk
3 heaping tablespoons fat free sweetened condensed milk

mix thoroughly & spoon onto cinnamon rolls 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Chantal's New York Cheesecake

Chantal's New York Cheesecake Recipe

15 Graham Crackers Crushed
2-3 Tablespoons melted butter

4 (8 oz) packages Low Fat Cream Cheese
1 1/2 Cups Granulated Sugar
3/4 Cup Fat Free Milk
4 Eggs
1 Cup Fat Free Sour Cream
1 Tablespoon Vanilla Extract
1/4 Cup Unbleached Flour
2 T. Cornstarch


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Cooking Spray a 9 inch springform pan.
  2. In a medium bowl, mix graham cracker crumbs with melted butter. Press onto bottom of springform pan.
  3. In a large bowl, mix cream cheese with sugar until smooth. Blend in milk, and then mix in the eggs one at a time, mixing just enough to incorporate. Mix in sour cream, vanilla, cornstarch, and flour until smooth. Pour filling into prepared crust.
  4. Bake in preheated oven for 1 hour. Turn the oven off, and let cake cool in oven with the door closed for 5 to 6 hours; this may help to prevent cracking. Chill in refrigerator about 6 hours before serving.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Vitamin B12 & Tinnitus

 | By Brindusa Vanta
Vitamin B12 & Tinnitus
Dietary sources of B-12 include meat. Photo Credit meat image by sameer said ahmed from
Vitamin B-12 also known as cobolamin is a water soluble vitamin. It plays and important role in the formation of red blood cells and metabolism of sugars, fats and proteins. It is also helps maintain healthy nervous system and some research studies found it beneficial for improving tinnitus, especially when this condition is associated with a shortage of this nutrient. If you consider taking vitamin B-12 for your symptoms, first talk to your doctor.

About Tinnitus

Tinnitus, a noise in the ears is a common condition, affecting one in five individuals, according to Mayo Clinic. It can be perceived as a ringing, buzzing or clicking sound that may be vary in intensity and frequency throughout the day. It can be caused by damage of the inner ear, deterioration from the aging process or injury from working in a noisy environment. Tinnitus may also manifest as part of some medical conditions like Meniere's disease, stress or head trauma.
Tinnitus & B-12 Deficiency
People suffering from tinnitus should test whether or not they have B-12 deficiency, as a shortage of this nutrient has been linked with chronic tinnitus and noise induced hearing loss. This is the conclusion of a study published in March 1993 issue of "American Journal of Otolaryngology." The authors evaluated over 100 subjects exposed to noise and 47 of the participants diagnosed with tinnitus had vitamin B-12 deficiency. Some of them also had symptoms improved when received supplementation with B-12.
Michael Murray, ND and author of "The Pill Book Guide to Natural Medicine", also supports the fact that B-12 deficiency is common in people who have tinnitus. He indicates that supplementation with B-12 may improve symptoms of tinnitus in individuals who are deficient in this nutrient, however is less likely to benefit those who have adequate blood levels of this vitamin.

Dosage and Drug Interactions

To manage tinnitus a daily dose between 1,000 and 2,000 mc daily of vitamin B-12 along with a B complex formula, vitamins A, C and E are suggested by James Balch, MD, and author of "Prescription for Nutritional Healing." Blood levels of vitamin B-12 may be lowered by some medications including antibiotics, anti diabetes and chemo drugs.


Consult a qualified health care professional to find out the underlying cause of your condition and whether or not you have low blood levels of vitamin B-12. Keep in mind that vitamins and other supplements do not replace and should not be used to replace any conventional drugs prescribed for tinnitus. Vitamin B-12 is not approved by U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the management of tinnitus.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Chocolate Chip Cookies

I usually make cookies with cake mixes, but as I was out of cake mixes at the time and "needed" some chocolate chip cookies, I looked up a recipe on the internet.  Of course being as I need very low fat and low sodium food I changed out the recipe, as always to meet my needs.  It still turned out delicious. Here is what I came up with.

1/2 Cup Fat Free Vanilla Chobani Yogurt
3/4 Cup Brown Sugar
3/4 Cup Granulated Sugar
2 Eggs
1 Teaspoon Vanilla
1 1/2 Bags Milk Chocolate Chips
2 1/4 Cups Unbleached Flour
3/4 Teaspoon Baking Soda

X-tra  sugar for rolling cookies in.

Mix first 5 ingredients in bowl with electric mixer.
Add Chocolate chips, flour and baking soda.
Mix well.
Refrigerate in airtight container for 1 or more hours for best results before cooking.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees Farenheight
Spray with cooking spray or use parchment paper an air bake cookie sheet (only cookie sheets I ever use)
Spoon cookies into bowl of sugar.  Roll cookies in sugar and then place on cookie sheet.
Bake at 375 for 8 -12 minutes or until just golden brown.
Let cool on cookie sheet for 2-5 minutes before removing.   

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Meniere's Disease


Meniere's disease is a disorder of the labyrinth in the inner ear. The labyrinth is a system of cavities and canals in the inner ear that affects hearing, balance, and eye movement.
The Inner Ear
Nucleus factsheet image
Copyright © Nucleus Medical Media, Inc.


An increase in the volume or pressure of fluid in the labyrinth can result in Meniere's disease. The cause of these fluid changes is unknown. Possible causes may include:
  • Part of the labyrinth ruptures, allowing fluid in different compartments to mix
  • Scar tissue causes a blockage in the labyrinth
  • Inner ear injury due to:
    • Viral infection
    • Syphilis , a sexually-transmitted disease
    • Autoimmune disorders
    • Blood vessel problems
    • High cholesterol or other fats in the blood
    • Hormonal disorders
    • Medications, such as antibiotics and chemotherapy agents

Risk Factors

A risk factor is something that increases your chance of getting a disease or condition. Risk factors for Meniere's disease include:
  • Age: 20 to 60
  • Race: Caucasian
  • Family history of Meniere's disease
  • Stress
  • Allergies
  • Excess salt in the diet
  • Excess noise


The intensity of symptoms can vary from one person to another. Symptoms usually come on suddenly. They typically involve only one ear, but may involve both.
Symptoms may include:
  • Episodes of vertigo (spinning sensation), often accompanied by:
    • Nausea or vomiting
    • Sweating
    • Paleness of the skin
    • Weakness or falling
    • In some cases, headache or diarrhea
  • Hearing loss may worsen during attacks of vertigo
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
  • Feeling of fullness or pressure in the ear
  • Poor sense of balance
  • A tendency for symptoms to worsen with movement


The doctor will ask about your symptoms and medical history, and perform a physical exam. This will include an examination of your ears and a neurologic exam to evaluate for possible nerve damage.
Tests may include:
  • Blood tests—to check for an underlying cause
  • Hearing test —this is also called an audiometry
  • Electronystagmogram—a type of eye movement test
  • Auditory brainstem response—measures electrical activity in the hearing nerve and brain stem
  • Electrocochleogram—measures electrical response of the inner ear to sound
  • MRI scan —a test that uses magnetic waves to make pictures of structures inside the ear


Treatment may include:

Dietary and Lifestyle Changes

These may help limit symptoms:
  • Bed-rest during acute attacks of vertigo
  • Avoid foods that are high in salt and high in sugar
  • Drink adequate fluids
  • Promptly begin replacing fluids lost to heat or exercise
  • Avoid caffeine, aspirin, and smoking
  • Minimize stress
  • Avoid medications that seem to bring on or worsen symptoms
  • Consider a hearing aid, if necessary
  • Consider masking devices (white noise) to limit the effects of tinnitus
  • Take safety measures to avoid falling
  • Restrict chocolate consumption
  • Reduce alcohol intake

Vestibular Exercises (Vestibular Rehabilitation)

Your doctor may suggest specific vestibular exercises. These exercises use a series of eye, head, and body movements to get the body used to moving without dizziness. You may work with a physical therapist to learn these.


Medications include:
  • Drugs to treat vertigo, such as meclizine or scopolamine
  • Antiemetics—medications to help control nausea
  • Other medications that may improve hearing, control inner ear swelling, or limit overall symptoms, including:
    • Antihistamines
    • Cortisone drugs for a short time
    • Antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications
    • Diuretics
  • Aminoglycoside therapy (such as streptomycin or gentamicin) to permanently destroy the part of the inner ear that deals with balance


Surgical procedures are not always helpful, and include:
  • Endolymphatic sac decompression—removal of a portion of inner ear bone and placing a tube in the inner ear to drain excess fluid
  • Labyrinthectomy—destruction or removal of the entire inner ear, which controls balance and hearing
  • Vestibular nerve section


There are no specific guidelines for preventing Meniere's disease. However, to help reduce your risk, avoid the following risk factors:
  • High-salt diet
  • High-sugar diet
  • Excess noise
  • Excess alcohol
  • Stress
  • Smoking
  • Use of drugs that can be toxic to the ear such aminoglycosides, aspirin, and quinine