Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Weather Update Oklahoma Missionaries

Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 6:34 PM
Subject: Weather Update

Dear Parents: All of our missionaries serving in the Moore, Oklahoma area are safe. The City of Moore, Oklahoma located just south of OKC sustained heavy damage and loss of life today as a very powerful tornado cut its way across the city during about 3:15 pm CT. Our hearts and prayers go out to the people who have lost so much today. Again, all of the missionaries serving in the affected area are safe. The rest of our missionaries checked in safe earlier today. We were blessed again today.
In the coming days our missionaries will be called upon to help with the cleanup from this devastating storm. We are asking the missionaries who do not have leather gloves to buy some in the next couple of days. We are also asking those who can afford to buy work boots to do so. These boots will help prevent foot injuries (from nails) that could be sustained during the cleanup. There will be some ability in the future to reimburse missionaries for the boot purchases. As future storms occur, I will keep you updated (provided we have power). If you do not hear from me by email after the storms clear following a tornado outbreak, call the Missionary Department. I will have notified the Missionary Department by phone and confirmed the safety of our missionaries. Thank you for your prayers and for your wonderful sons and daughters.
President Taylor

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