I made my bread recipe today. I left all the salt out. It tastes different, but still way better than store bought. Just not quite as flavorful. Still it rose really well, and looks great. I won't tell the family yet, see if they notice. Hard to be low fat/fat free, and low sodium too. However for my health's sake I must learn how to do this. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
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Thursday, June 27, 2013
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Low Sodium/Low Fat Cinnamon Rolls
Photos by Rumsey Liebes
I used my bread recipe, the one on this blog, but used Fat Free Chobani Vanilla Yogurt in place of the oil/unsweetened applesauce. Then I left the salt out completely. I used a can of Fat Free Sweetened Condensed milk instead of butter on the inside before putting a full jar of cinnamon/sugar on them. Rolling them was a bit messy. After cooking in a 350 oven for about 20 minutes, I topped them with cream cheese frosting that I drizzled on. Very soft, moist, and delicious!
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Low Sodium Foods: Shopping list
Most people eat much more sodium (salt) than they need. This can lead to health problems like high blood pressure. When you go food shopping, keep these tips in mind for reducing the sodium in your diet:
- Choose fresh instead of processed foods when you can.
- Use the Nutrition Facts Label to check the amount of sodium. Look for foods with 5% Daily Value (DV) or less. A sodium content of 20% DV or more is high.
- Look for foods labeled “low sodium,” “reduced sodium,” or “no salt added.”
Vegetables and Fruits
Choose fresh or frozen vegetables and fruits when possible.
- Any fresh fruits, like apples, oranges, or bananas
- Any fresh vegetables, like spinach, carrots, or broccoli
- Frozen vegetables without added sauce
- Canned vegetables that are low in sodium or have no salt added
- Low sodium vegetable juice
- Frozen or dried fruit (unsweetened)
- Canned fruit (packed in water or 100% juice)
Breads, Cereals, and Grains
Compare labels to find products with less sodium. When you cook rice or pasta, don’t add salt.- Plain rice or pasta (Tip: If you buy a package with a seasoning packet, use only part of the packet to reduce the sodium content.)
- Unsweetened shredded wheat
- Unsalted popcorn
Meats, Nuts, and Beans
Choose fresh meats when possible. Some fresh meat has added sodium, so always check the label.- Fish or shellfish
- Chicken or turkey breast without skin
- Lean cuts of beef or pork
- Unsalted nuts and seeds
- Peas and beans
- Canned beans labeled “no salt added” or “low sodium”
- Eggs
Milk and Milk Products
Choose fat-free or low-fat milk and yogurt more often than cheese, which can be high in sodium. Milk and yogurt are also good sources of potassium, which can help lower blood pressure.- Fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk
- Fat-free or low-fat yogurt
- Low sodium or reduced sodium cheese (like Natural Swiss Cheese)
- Soy-based drinks with added calcium (soymilk)
Dressings, Oils, and Condiments
When preparing food, choose ingredients that are low in sodium or have no sodium at all.- Unsalted butter or margarine
- Vegetable oils (canola, olive, peanut, sesame oil)
- Sodium-free salad dressing and mayonnaise
- Vinegar
Try these seasonings instead of salt to flavor food.- Herbs, spices, or salt-free seasoning blends
- Chopped vegetables, such as garlic, onions, and peppers
- Lemons and limes
- Ginger
- http://healthfinder.gov/HealthTopics/Category/health-conditions-and-diseases/heart-health/low-sodium-foods-shopping-listGinger
Low-Sodium Diet Guidelines
This article provides basic information to help you start or continue following your low-sodium diet. Planning what you eat and balancing your meals are important ways to manage your health. Eating healthy often means making changes in your current eating habits. A registered dietitian can provide in-depth personalized nutrition education, tailor these general guidelines to meet your needs, and help you begin a personal action plan. Some evidence suggests a daily sodium restriction to 1500 milligrams (1.5 grams) may benefit patients with cardiovascular risks including heart failure, hypertension, African-American ethnicity, and all middle aged and older adults.
Here are some basic guidelines that will help you get started:
No sodium = less than 5 mg per serving
Following a low-sodium diet helps control high blood pressure (hypertension), swelling, and water build-up (edema). A low-sodium diet also can help decrease breathing difficulties caused when the weakened heart has difficulty pumping excess fluid out of the body.
Your doctor may recommend that you consume no more than 2,000 mg (2g) of sodium per day. A low-sodium diet means more than just eliminating the salt shaker from the table! However, that is a good start since one teaspoon salt = 2,300 mg of sodium. It is important to keep a record of the amount of sodium you consume every day. Write down the amount in mg after each meal or snack.
Please note: These are sodium content ranges—the sodium content in certain food items may vary. Please contact your dietitian for specific product information.
Source: Sodium analysis was done using ESHA Food Processor for Windows, Version 8.4, 2004.
Here are some basic guidelines that will help you get started:
- Control the sodium in your diet. Decrease the total amount of sodium you consume to 2,000 mg (2 g) per day.
- Learn to read food labels. Use the label information on food packages to help you to make the best low-sodium selections.
- Include high-fiber foods such as vegetables, cooked dried peas and beans (legumes), whole-grain foods, bran, cereals, pasta, rice and fresh fruit. Fiber is the indigestible part of plant food that helps move food along the digestive tract, better controls blood glucose levels, and may reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. Foods high in fiber include natural antioxidants, which reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The goal for everyone is to consume 25 to 35 grams of fiber per day.
- Maintain a healthy body weight. This includes losing weight if you are overweight. Limit your total daily calories, follow a low-fat diet and exercise regularly to achieve or maintain your ideal body weight.
Learning to read food labels
Food labels are standardized by the U.S. government's National Labeling and Education Act (NLEA). Nutrition labels and an ingredient list are required on most foods so you can make the best selection for a healthy lifestyle. Review the food label below. If you do not know how much total sodium is in this product, ask your dietitian, or health care provider, to show you how to read food labels and apply the information to your personal needs.- A. The serving size represents the typical amount eaten by an adult.
- B. The sodium content is listed on the food label per serving size. Ignore the % daily value and focus on the amount of mg sodium per serving. Decrease the total amount of sodium you consume to 2,000 milligrams (mg) or 2 grams (g) per day.
No sodium = less than 5 mg per serving
Sodium guidelines
Sodium is a mineral found in many foods. It helps keep normal fluids balanced in the body. Most people eat foods containing more sodium than they need. Some foods may be high in sodium and not taste salty. Eating too much sodium causes the body to keep or retain too much water.Following a low-sodium diet helps control high blood pressure (hypertension), swelling, and water build-up (edema). A low-sodium diet also can help decrease breathing difficulties caused when the weakened heart has difficulty pumping excess fluid out of the body.
Your doctor may recommend that you consume no more than 2,000 mg (2g) of sodium per day. A low-sodium diet means more than just eliminating the salt shaker from the table! However, that is a good start since one teaspoon salt = 2,300 mg of sodium. It is important to keep a record of the amount of sodium you consume every day. Write down the amount in mg after each meal or snack.
Comparison of Sodium in Foods
Food | Serving Size | Milligrams/Sodium |
Bacon | 1 medium slice | 155 |
Chicken (dark meat) | 3.5 oz roasted | 87 |
Chicken (light meat) | 3.5 oz roasted | 77 |
Egg, fried | 1 large | 162 |
Egg, scrambled with milk | 1 medium slice | 171 |
Dried beans, peas or lentils | 1 cup | 4 |
Haddock | 3 oz cooked | 74 |
Halibut | 3 oz cooked | 59 |
Ham (roasted) | 3.5 oz | 1300-1500 |
Hamburger (lean) | 3.5 oz broiled medium | 77 |
Hot dog (beef) | 1 medium | 585 |
Peanuts, dry roasted | 1 oz | 228 |
Pork loin, roasted | 3.5 oz | 65 |
Roast lamb leg | 3.5 oz | 65 |
Roast veal leg | 3.5 oz | 68 |
Salmon | 3 oz | 50 |
Shellfish | 3 oz | 100 to 325 |
Shrimp | 3 oz | 190 |
Spareribs, braised | 3.5 oz | 93 |
Steak, T-bone | 3.5 oz | 66 |
Tuna, canned in spring water | 3 oz chunk | 300 |
Turkey, dark meat | 3.5 roasted | 76 |
Turkey, light meat | 3.5 roasted | 63 |
Food | Serving Size | Milligrams/Sodium |
American Cheese | 1 oz | 443 |
Buttermilk, salt added | 1 cup | 260 |
Cheddar cheese | 1 oz | 175 |
Cottage cheese, low fat | 1 cup | 918 |
Milk, whole | 1 cup | 120 |
Milk, skim or 1% | 1 cup | 125 |
Swiss cheese | 1 oz | 75 |
Yogurt, plain | 1 cup | 115 |
Food | Serving Size | Milligrams/Sodium |
Asparagus | 6 spears | 10 |
Avocado | 1/2 medium | 10 |
Beans, white, cooked | 1 cup | 4 |
Beans, green | 1 cup | 4 |
Beets | 1 cup | 84 |
Broccoli, raw | 1/2 cup | 12 |
Broccoli, cooked | 1/2 cup | 20 |
Carrot, raw | 1 medium | 25 |
Carrot, cooked | 1/2 cup | 52 |
Celery | 1 stalk raw | 35 |
Corn boiled, (sweet, no butter/salt) | 1/2 cup | 14 |
Cucumber | 1/2 sliced | 1 |
Eggplant, raw | 1 cup | 2 |
Eggplant, cooked | 1 cup | 4 |
Lettuce | 1 leaf | 2 |
Lima beans | 1 cup | 5 |
Mushrooms | 1/2 cup (raw or cooked) | 1-2 |
Mustard greens | 1/2 chopped | 12 |
Onions, chopped | 1/2 cup (raw or cooked) | 2-3 |
Peas | 1 cup | 4 |
Potato | 1 baked | 7 |
Radishes | 10 | 11 |
Spinach, raw | 1/2 cup | 22 |
Spinach, cooked | 1/2 cup | 63 |
Squash, acorn | 1/2 cup | 4 |
Sweet potato | 1 small | 12 |
Tomato | 1 small | 11 |
Tomato juice, canned | 3/4 cup | 660 |
Food | Serving Size | Milligrams/Sodium |
Apple | 1 medium | 1 |
Apple juice | 1 cup | 7 |
Apricots | 3 medium | 1 |
Apricots (dried) | 10 halves | 3 |
Banana | 1 medium | 1 |
Cantaloupe | 1/2 cup chopped | 14 |
Dates | 10 medium | 2 |
Grapes | 1 cup | 2 |
Grape juice | 1cup | 7 |
Grapefruit | 1 medium | 0 |
Grapefruit juice | 1 cup | 3 |
Orange | 1 medium | 1 |
Orange juice | 1 cup | 2 |
Peach | 1 | 0 |
Prunes | 10 | 3 |
Raisins | 1/3 cup | 6 |
Strawberries | 1 cup | 2 |
Watermelon | 1 cup | 3 |
Food | Serving Size | Milligrams/Sodium |
Bran flakes | 3/4 cup | 220 |
Bread, whole wheat | 1 slice | 159 |
Bread, white | 1 slice | 123 |
Bun, hamburger | 1 | 241 |
Cooked cereal (instant) | 1 packet | 250 |
Corn flakes | 1 cup | 290 |
English muffin | 1/2 | 182 |
Pancake | 1 (7-inch round) | 431 |
Rice, white long grain | 1 cup cooked | 4 |
Shredded wheat | 1 biscuit | 0 |
Spaghetti | 1 cup | 7 |
Waffle | 1 frozen | 235 |
Food | Serving Size | Milligrams/Sodium |
Canned soups | 1 cup | 600-1,300 |
Canned and frozen main dishes | 8 oz | 500-2,570 |
Source: Sodium analysis was done using ESHA Food Processor for Windows, Version 8.4, 2004.
Sodium guidelines: Foods to choose
Protein - choose 2-3 servings per day
- 2-3 ounces of fresh or frozen fish, shellfish, meat (beef, veal, lamb, pork) or poultry
- 1/2 cup cooked dried beans or peas
- 1/2 cup low-sodium canned fish (such as salmon or tuna)
- 1 low-sodium frozen dinner (less than 600mg sodium per meal) - Limit to one per day
- 1 egg (no more than 3 whole eggs per week)
Dairy products - choose 2 or more servings/day
- 1-1/2 ounces of low-sodium cheese
- 1 cup milk (non-fat or 1% recommended)
- 1/2 cup low-sodium cottage cheese
- 1 cup soy milk
Vegetables and fruits - choose 5 or more servings/day
- 1/2 cup fresh whole, chopped, cooked, frozen or canned fruit
- 1/2 cup chopped, cooked, frozen or no-salt added canned vegetables
- 1/2 cup low-sodium tomato juice or V-8 juice
- 1/2 cup low-sodium tomato sauce
- 1 cup raw leafy vegetables
Bread and grains - choose 6 or more servings/day
- Low-sodium breads, rolls, bagels and cereals (1 serving = 1 slice bread, 1 small roll, 1/2 bagel, 1/2 English muffin or a 4-inch pita
- 1/2 cup pasta (noodles, spaghetti, macaroni)
- 1/2 cup rice
- Low-sodium crackers (read label for serving size)
Sweets and snacks (include sparingly)
- 1 ounce unsalted nuts
- 1/2 cup low-sodium pretzels or chips
- 3 cups popped low-sodium popcorn
- 3 fig bars or gingersnaps
- 1 slice angel food cake
- 1 tbsp jelly or honey
- 1 cup sherbet, sorbet or Italian ice; 1 popsicle
- 8-10 jelly beans; 3 pieces hard candy
Fats, oils and condiments (use sparingly)
- Olive and canola oils
- Low-sodium butter and margarine
- Low-sodium soups
- Low-sodium salad dressing
- Homemade gravy without salt
- Low-sodium broth or bouillon
- Low-sodium catsup
- Low-sodium mustard
- Low-sodium sauce mixes
Other seasonings (can use freely)
- Lemon juice
- Vinegar
- Herbs and spices without salt
Sample Menu
- Fresh fruit
- Low sodium cereal (hot or cold)
- Milk
- Low sodium wheat bread
- Reduced sodium margarine or peanut butter
- Lean roast turkey on whole wheat bread with low sodium mustard
- Raw carrot sticks
- Applesauce
- Unsalted pretzels
- Grilled Chicken
- Boiled potatoes
- Steamed fresh vegetables
- Tossed salad and low sodium dressing
- Low sodium roll with low sodium margarine
- Fresh melon
- Angel food cake
- Fresh fruit
Sodium guidelines
- Use fresh ingredients and/or foods with no salt added.
- For favorite recipes, you may need to use other ingredients and delete or decrease the salt added. Salt can be removed from any recipe except from those containing yeast.
- Try orange or pineapple juice as a base for meat marinades.
- Avoid convenience foods such as canned soups, entrees, vegetables, pasta and rice mixes, frozen dinners, instant cereal and puddings, and gravy sauce mixes.
- Select frozen entrees that contain 600 mg or less of sodium. However, limit to one of these frozen entrees per day. Check the Nutrition Facts label on the package for sodium content.
- Use fresh, frozen, no added salt canned vegetables, or canned vegetables that have been rinsed before they are prepared.
- Low sodium canned soups may be used.
- Avoid mixed seasonings and spice blends that include salt, such as garlic salt.
- Don’t use a salt substitute unless you check with your doctor first.
Seasoning recipes
Directions: Combine all ingredients in a small bowl and blend well. Spoon into shaker. Store in a cool, dark place.Spicy blend
- 2 tbsp dried savory, crumbled
- 1/4 tsp freshly ground white pepper
- 1 tbsp dry mustard
- 1/4 tsp ground cumin
- 2-1/2 tsp onion powder
- 1/2 tsp garlic powder
- 1/4 tsp curry powder
Saltless surprise
- 2 tsp garlic powder
- 1 tsp basil
- 1 tsp oregano
- 1 tsp powdered lemon rind or dehydrated lemon juice
Spicy seasoning
- 1 tsp cloves
- 1 tsp pepper
- 2 tsp paprika
- 1 tsp coriander seed (crushed)
- 1 tbsp rosemary
Herb seasoning
- 2 tbsp dried dill weed or basil leaves, crumbled
- 1 tsp celery seed
- 2 tbsp onion powder
- 1/4 tsp (pinch) dried oregano leaves, crumbled freshly ground pepper
Restaurant dining tips
- Select fresh fruit or vegetables
- Avoid soups and broths
- Stay away from bread and rolls with salty, buttery crusts
- Select fresh fruits and vegetables
- Avoid pickles, canned or marinated vegetables, cured meats, seasoned croutons, cheeses, salted seeds
- Order salad dressings on the side and use small amounts of them
Main courses
- Select meat, poultry, fish or shellfish choices that includes the words broiled, grilled or roasted
- Select plain vegetables, potatoes and noodles
- Ask the server about the low sodium menu choices, and ask how the food is prepared
- Request food to be cooked without salt or monosodium glutamate (MSG)
- Avoid restaurants that do not allow for special food preparation (such as buffet style restaurants, diners or fast food chains)
- Avoid casseroles, mixed dishes, gravies and sauces
- At fast food restaurants, choose the salad entrees or non-fried and non-breaded entrees (such as a baked potato) and skip the special sauces, condiments and cheese*
- Avoid salted condiments and garnishes such as olives and pickles
Select fresh fruits, ices, ice cream, sherbet, gelatin and plain cakeshttp://my.clevelandclinic.org/healthy_living/nutrition/hic_low-sodium_diet_guidelines.aspx
General Guidelines for Cutting Down on Salt
- Eliminate salty foods from your diet and reduce the amount of salt used in cooking. Sea salt is no better than regular salt.
- Choose low sodium foods. Many salt-free or reduced salt products are available. When reading food labels, low sodium is defined as 140 mg of sodium per serving.
- Salt substitutes are sometimes made from potassium, so read the label. If you are on a low potassium diet, then check with your doctor before using those salt substitutes.
- Be creative and season your foods with spices, herbs, lemon, garlic, ginger, vinegar and pepper. Remove the salt shaker from the table.
- Read ingredient labels to identify foods high in sodium. Items with 400 mg or more of sodium are high in sodium. High sodium food additives include salt, brine, or other items that say sodium, such as monosodium glutamate.
- Eat more home-cooked meals. Foods cooked from scratch are naturally lower in sodium than most instant and boxed mixes.
- Don’t use softened water for cooking and drinking since it contains added salt.
- Avoid medications which contain sodium such as Alka Seltzer and Bromo Seltzer.
- For more information; food composition books are available which tell how much sodium is in food. Online sources such as www.calorieking.com also list amounts.
Meats, Poultry, Fish, Legumes, Eggs and Nuts
High-Sodium Foods:
- Smoked, cured, salted or canned meat, fish or poultry including bacon, cold cuts, ham, frankfurters, sausage, sardines, caviar and anchovies
- Frozen breaded meats and dinners, such as burritos and pizza
- Canned entrees, such as ravioli, spam and chili
- Salted nuts
- Beans canned with salt added
Low-Sodium Alternatives:
- Any fresh or frozen beef, lamb, pork, poultry and fish
- Eggs and egg substitutes
- Low-sodium peanut butter
- Dry peas and beans (not canned)
- Low-sodium canned fish
- Drained, water or oil packed canned fish or poultry
Dairy Products
High-Sodium Foods:
- Buttermilk
- Regular and processed cheese, cheese spreads and sauces
- Cottage cheese
Low-Sodium Alternatives:
- Milk, yogurt, ice cream and ice milk
- Low-sodium cheeses, cream cheese, ricotta cheese and mozzarella
Breads, Grains and Cereals
High-Sodium Foods:
- Bread and rolls with salted tops
- Quick breads, self-rising flour, biscuit, pancake and waffle mixes
- Pizza, croutons and salted crackers
- Prepackaged, processed mixes for potatoes, rice, pasta and stuffing
Low-Sodium Alternatives:
- Breads, bagels and rolls without salted tops
- Muffins and most ready-to-eat cereals
- All rice and pasta, but do not to add salt when cooking
- Corn and flour tortillas and noodles
- Low-sodium crackers and breadsticks
- Unsalted popcorn, chips and pretzels
Vegetables and Fruits
High-Sodium Foods:
- Regular canned vegetables and vegetable juices
- Olives, pickles, sauerkraut and other pickled vegetables
- Vegetables made with ham, bacon or salted pork
- Packaged mixes, such as scalloped or au gratin potatoes, frozen hash browns and Tater Tots
- Commercially prepared pasta and tomato sauces and salsa
Low-Sodium Alternatives:
- Fresh and frozen vegetables without sauces
- Low-sodium canned vegetables, sauces and juices
- Fresh potatoes, frozen French fries and instant mashed potatoes
- Low-salt tomato or V-8 juice.
- Most fresh, frozen and canned fruit
- Dried fruits
High-Sodium Foods:
- Regular canned and dehydrated soup, broth and bouillon
- Cup of noodles and seasoned ramen mixes
Low-Sodium Alternatives:
- Low-sodium canned and dehydrated soups, broth and bouillon
- Homemade soups without added salt
Fats, Desserts and Sweets
High-Sodium Foods:
- Soy sauce, seasoning salt, other sauces and marinades
- Bottled salad dressings, regular salad dressing with bacon bits
- Salted butter or margarine
- Instant pudding and cake
- Large portions of ketchup, mustard
Low-Sodium Alternatives:
- Vinegar, unsalted butter or margarine
- Vegetable oils and low sodium sauces and salad dressings
- Mayonaise
- All desserts made without salt
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Peach Cobbler
Making Peach Cobbler tonight. Using the same recipe for the Cobbler listed earlier on this blog. Peaches, Cinnamon to taste, White Cake Mix, and 12 ounces of Sprite or Apple Juice. Bake at 350 for 35 minutes
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Food Storage By The Week
My food storage is running low. I use it all the time in baking and cooking. I think I'll try this list to see if I can't build it back up a little. Remember to customize your list to your families likings.
- 5 lbs Sea Salt ~ 5 jars Unsweetened Applesauce
- 5 cans Reduced Fat Cream of Chicken Soup ~ 5 lg. cans Peaches
- 20 lbs Brown Sugar ~ 5 lg. cans Pears
- 10 cans Tomato Soup ~ 5 lg. cans Fruit Cocktail
- 10 lbs Unbleached Flour ~ 5 cans Pineapple Chunks
- 5 lbs Dry Pasta ~ 5 cans Whole Cranberries
- 20 lbs Raw Sugar ~ 5 lg. cans Pumpkin Pack
- 10 cans Tuna in Water ~ 5 cans Unsalted Green Beans
- 5 lbs SAF Yeast ~ 5 cans Unsalted Corn
- 10 lbs Whole Wheat Flour ~ 5 cans Carrots
- 10 cans Beef Soup ~ 5 cans Blueberry Pie Filling
- 20 lbs Honey ~ 5 cans Cherry Pie Filling
- 10 lbs Fat Free Powdered Milk ~ 5 cans Apple Pie Filling
- 10 boxes Macaroni & Cheese ~ 5 cans Apricots
- 10 lbs Unbleached Flour ~ 2 lg. bags Pancake Mix
- 5 cans Reduced Fat Cream of Chicken Soup ~ 5 cans Pork & Beans
- 1 bottle 500 ct. Multi Vitamins ~ 5 cans Baked Beans
- 10 lbs Fat Free Powdered Milk ~ 2 jars Cinnamon Powder
- 5 cans Reduced Fat Cream of Chicken Soup ~ 2 jars Onion Powder
- 10 lbs Whole Wheat Flour ~ 2 jars Garlic Powder
- 10 cans Chicken Soup ~ 2 cans Ground Pepper
- 20 lbs Powdered Sugar ~ 5 cans Canola Cooking Spray
- 10 cans Chicken Breast ~ 2 cans Chocolate Powder Drink Mix
- 5 lbs Shortening ~ 2 cans Strawberry Powder Drink Mix
- 10 lbs Unbleached Flour ~ 5 boxes Pudding
- 5 jars Jam ~ 5 boxes Jello Gelatin
- 5 boxes Rice Dinners ~ 5 lg bags Hard Candy
- 5 bottles Syrup ~ 2 boxes Cold & Flu Syrup and Pills
- 5 jars Reduced Fat Peanut Butter ~ 2 lg pkgs Toilet Paper
- 10 lbs Whole Wheat Flour ~ 2 lg pkgs Maxi Pads
- 10 boxes Instant Potatoes ~ 12 bars Dove Bath Soap (Can Wash Hair w/Dove)
- 10 cans Fat Free Evaporated Milk ~ 2 jars Mayonnaise
- 1 bottle Aspirin, 1 bottle Ibuprophen, 1 bottle Tylenol ~ 2 bottles Catsup
- 5 cans Reduced Fat Cream of Chicken Soup ~ 2 bottles Mustard
- 10 lbs Corn Meal ~ 2 jars Pickles
- 5 bags Brown Rice ~ 2 bottles Bar-be-que Sauce
- 5 lbs Kosher Salt ~ 2 bottles Salad Dressing
- 20 lbs White Granulated Sugar ~ 5 pkgs. Beef and Turkey Jerky
- 10 cans Vegetable Soup ~ 5 jars Nuts
- 10 lbs Unbleached Flour ~ 5 bags Stove Top Popcorn
- 5 cans Minestrone Soup ~ 5 cans Fat Free Sweetened Condensed Milk
- 5 bottles Corn Syrup ~ 5 box Cake Mixes
- 2 bottles Childrens Vitamins ~ 5 jars Frosting
- 5 cans Chicken Breast ~ 5 cans Tuna
- 10 lbs Oatmeal ~ 5 pounds Grits
- 5 lbs Dry Beans ~ 10 lbs Malt-O-Meal Cereal
- 5 bottles Molasses ~ Water, Water, and More Water
- 5 cans Reduced Fat Cream of Chicken Soup ~ 5 lg cans Juice
- 5 bottles Vanilla ~ 5 canned Tomatoes
- 2 boxes Baking Soda, 2 cans Baking Powder ~ 5 jars Spaghetti Sauce
- 10 cans Beef ~ 10 lbs Milk Chocolate Chips
- 10 lbs. Cream of Wheat Cereal ~ 5 boxes Stove Top Stuffing
Ice Cream Sandwich
Reduced Fat Graham Crackers, Fat Free Cool Whip, and Strawberries. 1) Blend Cool Whip and strawberries 2) Apply a thick coat to graham crackers and make sandwich 3) Freeze and enjoy!
Monday, June 17, 2013
Old-Fashioned Popcorn Balls
Photo by Rumsey Liebes
- 18 cups popped popcorn
- 2 cups sugar
- 1 cup water
- 1/2 cup light-colored corn syrup
- 1 teaspoon vinegar
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 tablespoon vanilla
1. Remove all unpopped kernels from popped popcorn. Put popcorn in a greased 17x12x2-inch baking or roasting pan. Keep popcorn warm in a 300 degree F oven while making syrup.
2. For syrup mixture, butter the sides of a heavy 2-quart saucepan. In saucepan combine sugar, water, corn syrup, vinegar, and salt. Cook and stir over medium-high heat until mixture boils, stirring to dissolve sugar (about 6 minutes). Clip a candy thermometer to side of pan. Reduce heat to medium; continue boiling at a moderate, steady rate, stirring occasionally, until thermometer registers 250 degree F, hard-ball stage (about 20 minutes).
3. Remove saucepan from heat; remove thermometer. Stir in vanilla. Pour syrup mixture over the hot popcorn and stir gently to coat. Cool until the popcorn mixture can be handled easily. With buttered hands, quickly shape the mixture into 2-1/2-inch diameter balls. Wrap each popcorn ball in plastic wrap. Makes about 20 popcorn balls.
Sunday, June 16, 2013

I'm ever so grateful for the terrific example my father set for me. He is a hard worker, kind, patient, loving, righteous, and oh so handsome man. I miss his hugs, listening ear, and laughter. I hope my father knows, and I'm sure he does, that I love him forever! He is my BEST friend! Happy Father's Day Daddy!
Friday, June 14, 2013
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Monday, June 10, 2013
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Vaunted Vinegar Sauce/Pulled Pork/Brine
Vaunted Vinegar Sauce
2 cups cider vinegar
2 Tbsp packed brown sugar
1 tsp fresh ground pepper
1 tsp red pepper flakes or cayenne pepper
Stir to dissolve sugar. Serve room temp or chilled. Keeps
Pulled pork
1 5-7 lb. boneless Boston
butt roast
6-8 quart pan – can also use small ice chest
12 oz pickling salt (easier to dissolve in cold water)
8 oz (by weight – about ¾ cup) molasses
2 quarts cold water (bottled if not in Cache Valley
Rub – apply right before putting in smoker/oven:
1 tsp coriander seed
1 tsp cumin seed
1 tsp fennel seed
1 Tbsp paprika
1 Tbsp Onion powder
1 Tbsp garlic powder
Combine molasses, pickling salt, and water in 6 quart Lexan. Add
Place cumin seed, fennel seed, and coriander in food grinder and grind fine. Transfer to a small mixing bowl and stir in garlic powder, onion powder, and paprika.
Place butt in smoker and cook for 8to12 hours, maintaining a temperature below 250 degrees. Use meat thermometer and cook meat to 190 – 200 degrees. Use fork to check for doneness. Meat is done when it falls apart easily when pulling with a fork. Once done, remove from pot and set aside to rest for at least 30m to 1 hour. (best an hour or its really hot still.) Pull meat apart with 2 forks and serve.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
72 Hour Kit
My son wanted the toys out of our Emergency 72 hour kit today. I opened up each bin to find that the clothing in there for my little ones was way to small. So I updated it all. Newer or different toys too. I usually do this at LDS General Conference time, but failed to do so this year. Glad my little one begged me all day to get something out.

Friday, June 7, 2013
Lunch Box Ideas for Low Fat or Fat Free Kids
Things my little one
would eat, he’s picky, and we don’t eat hot dogs or lunch meat.
1. Celery
with Reduced Fat Peanut Butter and chocolate covered raisins (ants on a log)
2. Baby
3. Pineapple
4. Apple
5. Cuties
or Orange Slices
6. Grapes
7. Strawberries
8. Watermelon
9. Cucumber
10. Banana
11. Pear
12. Apricot
13. Cherries
14. Low Fat Cheese
15. Reduced Fat
Peanut Butter & Honey or Reduced Fat Peanut Butter & Jam Sandwiches
16. Fat Free
Box Milk or 100% Juice Box
17. Low Fat or
Fat Free Cookies
18. Low Fat Crackers
19. Fat Free Pretzels
20. Mini Marshmallows
21. Raisins
22. Dried
23. Low Fat
24. Mini rice
25. Low Fat
Granola Bar
26. Low Fat
Breakfast or Cereal Bar
27. Homemade
Sweet Breads
28. Dry Low Fat
or Fat Free Cereal
29. Fruit Cups
30. Sugar Snap
31. Low Fat
Graham Crackers
32. Low Fat
String Cheese
33. Fat Free
34. Fat Free
35. Fat Free Turkey Jerky
36. Jam Filled
Pancake Muffins
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Photo by Rumsey Liebes
1st pick of the season. Thining them out. Yummy for my salad today. Nothing like fresh homegrown vegetables and fruits.
Meniere's Disease
Photo by Rumsey Liebes (taken by Chalese)
Been going through some testing through the Audiologist and ENT Doctors. They are leaning toward this (Meniere's Disease). The symptoms listed here are exactly what I've been going through for about a year now. Hopefully this week they'll be able to conclude the tests and get me the help I need. Thought I'd share this info. and a picture of one of my tests with you. I've found it interesting.
Meniere's disease
By Mayo Clinic staff Meniere's disease is a disorder of the inner ear that causes spontaneous episodes of vertigo — a sensation of a spinning motion — along with fluctuating hearing loss, ringing in the ear (tinnitus), and sometimes a feeling of fullness or pressure in your ear. In many cases, Meniere's disease affects only one ear.
People in their 40s and 50s are more likely than people in other age groups to develop Meniere's disease, but it can occur in anyone, even children.
Although Meniere's disease is considered a chronic condition, various treatment strategies can help relieve symptoms and minimize the disease's long-term impact on your life.
People in their 40s and 50s are more likely than people in other age groups to develop Meniere's disease, but it can occur in anyone, even children.
Although Meniere's disease is considered a chronic condition, various treatment strategies can help relieve symptoms and minimize the disease's long-term impact on your life.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Snickerdoodle Cookies
Mix together one classic yellow or white cake mix with 1/4 cup Fat Free Vanilla Chobani Yogurt and two eggs. Form into about one inch balls (really not so easy). Mix together 1 teaspoon cinnamon and 3 tablespoon sugar. Roll balls into cinnamon and sugar mixture. Place balls on cooking sprayed cookie sheet and slightly flatten balls with the bottom of a glass or fingers. Bake at 350 degrees for about 8 minutes.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Cranberry Apple Chicken Salad
Grilled seasoned chicken breast, glazed pecans, apple slices and dried cranberries atop a bed of spring mix. Served with balsamic vinaigrette and dinner bread. This salad is also available in a half size portion. Fit Fare® Lean: Under 15g of fat without dinner bread. Fit Fare® Light: Under 550 calories without dinner bread.
So delicious! For eating out this was great!
Chicken, Potato, Sour Cream Bake
Chicken with potatoes and sour cream -- if you sprayed the pan with cooking spray instead of greasing it, used chicken breasts, and Fat Free Sour Cream this dish could be Fabulous!
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Missionaries Are Safe in Oklahoma
Saturday, June 1, 2013 10:05 AM
Subject: Update
Subject: Update
Dear Parents:
Your sons and daughters are safe.
Thursday and again yesterday we experienced severe storms and
additional tornados in our mission area. Yesterday’s storms were more
dangerous and destructive than Thursday’s storms. Our missionaries were
never in any danger on Thursday but yesterday caused us more concern
because we had missionary relief crews out working in the morning. As
is my practice, I sent the work crews home well in advance of the
approaching storms so they could be near their local weather contacts
and shelters. My practice is to personally monitor the storms and alert
missionaries directly and through our mission leadership. Local
weather contacts are also very helpful to us.
Based on preliminary reports,
yesterday’s storms caused substantial new damage and sadly, additional
lives were lost. 103,000 homes in the City (including the mission home)
are without power. The damage, downed power lines and traffic have
prevented me from communicating with you earlier this morning. We also
had all our missionaries in South Oklahoma City this morning for a
meeting with Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Presidency of the Seventy.
Now all of our missionaries are out working on tornado cleanup projects
for the day.
I will generally not communicate
with you after every storm. I will reserve these communications for
storms that strike near where we have missionaries stationed. If power
is out and I am prevented from emailing you I will call the Church
operators and let them know the missionaries are safe. I will also
inform the Missionary Department of the safety of our missionaries. As
you can imagine, we have a lot going on out here right now. The safety
of our missionaries (your daughters and sons) is our paramount concern
and priority. We will tend to them first and inform you once I have
verified their safety and tended to other priorities related to the
missionaries. Thank you for your patience and prayers.
We are grateful for the Lord’s
protection and your prayers. Many miracles are occurring through these
events. The Lord truly does make all things work together for the good
of those who believe.
Warm Regards, President Taylor
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