Monday, November 4, 2013

Love and Logic Day #13

Day 13

"Let's both spend some time thinking about this and see what we come up with."

When a kid challenges your decision with a "But, why!!??", experiment with a "What do you think the reasons might be?" instead of a long justification.

Retaining your child in school can be a huge blow to their self esteem, and can leave scars that are difficult to heal. 

97% of children who avoid schoolwork have self-concept problems with emotional overlays. 

Identify the root causes of the child’s underachievement.     

Create a plan for success.  Changes in family patterns, strong cooperation between parents and teachers.  Counseling for child.  Different teaching and relationship strategies at school.

Retention scale.

Parents love children regardless of their school success.  Our children need to hear this.

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