Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Love and Logic Day #15

Day 15

Struggle is a way kids get stronger. Hope for some healthy struggle today.

Keep your 'credit score' high with your kids - say things that come true while avoiding empty promises, warnings and threats.


Parents do not need to react immediately or have all the answers on the spot.  A more effective approach is to delay dealing with a problem as long as the child knows something is going to happen.


Deliver consequences when you are well prepared and calm. 


When possible deal with problems when they are not taking place.  Tell the child you are not sure what to do about this, but that you will get back to them.


Don’t abandon common sense.  Some situations require immediate response for safety reasons. 


Hard work, struggle, be respectful, and personal responsibility.  


Expect children as young as six to do at least 20 minutes of chores each day.

Expect chores done by the end of each day.  Do not remind them about chores.  If a child goes to bed and has not done his chores, let him sleep for 30 to 45 minutes then wake him and tell him the end of the day is near, and he is to get up and finish his work.  Don’t take “no” for an answer.


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