Saturday, November 9, 2013

Love and Logic Day #17

Day 17

Adult children living at home and not respecting rules, doesn’t clean up after himself, lounges around and doesn’t help out, no job.  You wouldn’t let anyone but your child treat you like this.  Take away their free ride.  They may hate or dislike you at first, but one day they will thank you for helping him out.


Provide adult child with a “Good Neighbor Policy”.  Writing a letter allows the child time to think, and make the decision of how he wants to behave, and where he wants to live.  The good neighbor policy is a letter stating that you will treat your child as if he was a neighbor or friend staying with you for a short term.  Your expectations are in the letter as well. 


An enforceable statement tells the child how you are going to run your life instead of telling him how to run his life.   Such as for allowance, when the child runs out and comes to you for more, you could say, I’m sorry, I’m out of money.  I’ll be giving you more on Saturday, as usual.  When the child claims it’s not fair, say I know.  As the child continues to complain continue to say, I know.   


The benefits of doing the right thing aren't always visible immediately.

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