Hope for Hoth
Karen Hoth has stage four colon cancer. We hope to help her family by raising awareness of her situation and hopefully raising funds as well. Thanks
Hi there, this page is to help Karen and her family. Karen was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer in the middle of February. At that point she was almost thirty weeks into her pregnancy. The doctors wanted to wait until she was 32 weeks to induce, but had to move it up when she spiked a fever. Her sweet little girl was born on the 20th of February. Karen soon after had to start Chemo. She is surrounded by a family and friends who love her very much. We just want to make it a little easier to get through this very tough time. Any and all donations will be appreciated. We will be having an auction very soon as well as a kids craft class. Please message with any questions!! Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.
Hope for Hoth kid camp!!! Come for games, crafts, stories, snack, and jumbo parachute fun!!! When: Saturday March 29th Where: Hyde Park, Utah city office (bsmt) Age 3-5 year olds 10am-noon Age 6-10 year olds 1pm-3pm Cost is $25 per child (You can pay at the door OR online directly to Hoth family account: that info to come) To register Call, Text, Email Angie Chandler 435-757-8995 angchandler@gmail.com Please like and share this post!
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