![If you ever get stuck in a blackout without candles or a flashlight ...
30 minutes might be stretching it, but a regular sized crayon will easily burn for more than 15 minutes. The paraffin used in crayons is very flammable, but slow burning. Handy to know!](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/p320x320/971852_624867087534306_1309772840_n.jpg)
If you ever get stuck in a blackout without candles or a flashlight ...
30 minutes might be stretching it, but a regular sized crayon will easily burn for more than 15 minutes. The paraffin used in crayons is very flammable, but slow burning. Handy to know!
30 minutes might be stretching it, but a regular sized crayon will easily burn for more than 15 minutes. The paraffin used in crayons is very flammable, but slow burning. Handy to know!
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